Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lot of the Day!

I love these row houses by damnedcitizen! They have a beautiful realistic quality about them.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Clothing of the Day!

This dress is more stunning than words can say!

Hair of the Day!

I love this style for your manly sims!

Shoes of the Day!

Hot shoes by iCON!

Clothing of the Day!

Go and get this beautiful laced top from High Street Sims!

Decorator object of the Day!

Get this gorgeous painting and many more by Desdren.


To make things look a little tidier links will now be within the pictures, so simply click on the image of choice to be taken straight to it.

Thanks peeps!

Shoes of the Day!

Cute flats!
*From now on please click the picture for a link straight to the download.

Object of the Day!

Watch out for these amazing windows coming very soon! Thanks to Cyclonesue!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

New Poll!

Hi everyone!
I have added a new poll for the week. I would love to get your feedback on the content I have been posting for you to make sure I am on the right track and giving you what you want and I find polling to be the easiest and quickest way for you to let me know. Please be as honest as possible and feel free to leave any comments for me here if you have something else to say!

P.S I just wanted to add that obviously as I am not the creator of the content featured here I do not want you to judge the content itself I wanted to use the poll to see how relevant to downloads are to you? If you see or make something that you love let me know about it at


Clothing of the Day!

Hot, hot, hot! Here.

Home furnishing of the Day!

Thank you tomkat! I think the picture explains it all. Download here.

Lot of the Day!

I have to tell you I nearly fainted when I saw one (of many) of my favorite modernist houses made for the Sims! And what an absolutely amazing job! As you can see in the photo above, designed by the iconic Ludwig Mies van der Rohe between 1945-51 of whom you may know as designing the Barcelona chair and stool! Oh wow! Download it from jubjubesmcsmushy here. Really!

Carpet of the Day!

I heart carpet! I really do, and all this time I have been using fabrics and patterns on the floor! Get 8 beautiful carpet designs by purplepaws here.

Lot of the Day

I just couldn't go past this gorgeous mansion by ruthless kk!

Set of the Day

This great set unfortunately isn't free but for those of you who are members get over there and download it!

Clothing of the Day

Stylish shirts for men by who else but stylist_sims!